
A comprehensive computational framework based on the finite element method for the simulation of coupled hygro-thermo-mechanical problems in photovoltaic laminates is herein proposed. While the thermo-mechanical problem takes place in the three-dimensional space of the laminate, moisture diffusion occurs in a two-dimensional domain represented by the polymeric layers and by the vertical channel cracks in the solar cells. Therefore, a geometrical multi-scale solution strategy is pursued by solving the partial differential equations governing heat transfer and thermo-elasticity in the three-dimensional space, and the partial differential equation for moisture diffusion in the two dimensional domains. By exploiting a staggered scheme, the thermo-mechanical problem is solved first via a fully implicit solution scheme in space and time, with a specific treatment of the polymeric layers as zero-thickness interfaces whose constitutive response is governed by a novel thermo-visco-elastic cohesive zone model based on fractional calculus. Temperature and relative displacements along the domains where moisture diffusion takes place are then projected to the finite element model of diffusion, coupled with the thermo-mechanical problem by the temperature and crack opening dependent diffusion coefficient. The application of the proposed method to photovoltaic modules pinpoints two important physical aspects: (i) moisture diffusion in humidity freeze tests with a temperature dependent diffusivity is a much slower process than in the case of a constant diffusion coefficient; (ii) channel cracks through Silicon solar cells significantly enhance moisture diffusion and electric degradation, as confirmed by experimental tests.


  • Introduction and motivationsPhotovoltaic modules are composite structures obtained by laminating layers of various materials

  • To prove that cracks can enhance electric degradation due to moisture diffusion through them, a numerical simulation is performed according to the present computational framework by imposing the value of c∗ = 0.055 g/cm3 along the back side of the PV module

  • The presence of cracks enhances moisture diffusion in the central cell, with a contour plot of moisture concentration that correlates very well with the EL image of the electrically damaged areas

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Introduction and motivations

Photovoltaic modules are composite structures obtained by laminating layers of various materials. The state-of-the-art simulations on moisture diffusion in [12] consider the EVA layer only and treat diffusion as a one dimensional problem without updating the diffusivity of the material based on the actual temperature of the system The former approximation of considering moisture diffusion as a pure 1D problem fails when channel cracks in Silicon solar cells are present, since they can be a source of moisture percolation from the backsheet to the front side of the solar cells. Temperature and relative displacements computed in the Gauss points along the encapsulant interfaces are projected to the nodes of another finite element model specific for the solution of moisture diffusion This second model is used to discretize the domain where moisture diffusion takes place. The weak forms of the partial differential equations are established in Sect. 3 and the finite element (a)

Variational framework
Thermo-mechanical formulation of the layers
Thermo-visco-elastic polymeric interfaces
Moisture diffusion along polymeric interfaces
Weak forms
Discretized weak forms for the thermo-elastic and heat conduction problems
Proposed numerical solution scheme
Application to photovoltaics
Damp heat test
Humidity freeze test
Conclusions and outlook
Full Text
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