
Approximately 1 in 9 Florida residents over the age of 65 years (438,642 people) live more than an hour away from a glaucoma specialist, which represents a significant barrier to care. To describe access to glaucoma care for Florida's elderly population using travel time to American Glaucoma Society (AGS) member offices. For this cross-sectional service coverage analysis, a list of AGS member locations was extracted from the AGS website, and addresses were geocoded using ArcGIS Online. Driving time regions were created using the service area tool in ArcGIS Pro 2.4 and overlaid with 2010 United States Census and 2016 American Community Survey data for all Florida residents age 65 or older. Fifty-eight AGS member providers with 65 locations were identified and geocoded. There were 3,797,625 individuals aged over 65 years in Florida, of which 1,153,320 (30.4%) lived within 15 minutes of driving time from an AGS provider's office, 2,586,825 (68.1%) within 30 minutes, 3,358,983 (88.4%) within 60 minutes, and 3,491,815 (91.9%) within 120 minutes. The areas with the lowest access include rural areas near Lake Okeechobee and the Florida Panhandle. The population living beyond a 60-minute drive was more likely to be White, non-Hispanic and older, but less likely to be living below the federal poverty level or receiving public assistance than the population living within a 60-minute drive. There is a significant travel burden for the elderly community of Florida to reach AGS providers. Additional studies could help identify other social barriers to accessing glaucoma providers in Florida and beyond in an effort to improve patient compliance and, ultimately, vision outcomes.

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