
Using the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA) data, we performed a sib-pair linkage analysis of two smoking-related traits and one alcoholism phenotype. The first trait, EVRNVR, was a dichotomous one we constructed based on epidemiological definitions of smoking. The second trait, PKYRS, used the quantitative pack-year history provided, and the third trait was the COGA alcoholism classification, ALDX1. There was some evidence for linkage of the EVRNVR trait to regions-on chromosomes 6, 9, and 14. Smaller numbers of loci provided nominal evidence for linkage to PKYRS, although some candidate gene regions were identified. The number of loci identified using EVRNVR suggests that a threshold-based phenotype may better identify loci affecting smoking history. Approximately one-third of the loci that showed evidence for linkage to EVRNVR at a nominal significance level (p < 0.01) also showed evidence for linkage to ALDX1. Some of these regions may represent loci increasing vulnerability to both smoking and alcoholism.

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