
TheAFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) technique was adapted to carry out genetic analysis in maritime pine, a species characterized by a large genome size (24 pg/C). A genetic linkage map was constructed for one F1 individual based on 239 AFLP and 127 RAPD (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) markers. Markers were scored on megagametophytes (1n) from 200 germinated F2 seedlings. Polymorphism rate, labour time and cost of both AFLP and RAPD techniques were compared. The AFLP technique was found to be twice as fast and three-times less costly per marker than the RAPD technique. Thirteen linkage groups were identified with a LOD score ≥6 covering 1873 cM, which provided 93.4% of genome coverage. Proteins were extracted from needles (2n) of the F2 progeny and revealed by 2-DE (two-dimensional electrophoresis). Thirty one segregating proteins were mapped using a QTL detection strategy based on the quantification of protein accumulation. Two framework maps of the same F1 individual are now available. The first map (Plomion et al. 1996) uses RAPD markers and the second map, presented in this study, uses mostly AFLP markers. Although the total genetic length of both maps was almost identical, differences among homologous groups were observed.

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