
Human cloning may become a viable possibility in the far future; it is no longer a spectacular science fiction wisdom. The method is accessible. The dilemma is whether it would be ethical and acceptable in society, considering any associated consequences related to human cloning. Unlike a normal embryo, this one is abnormal, which has a genome derived from a combination of six sources, a human cloned genome would have one source. This procedure would undoubtedly eliminate the distinct qualities that a real child possesses. Its short-term and long consequences, on the contrary, are currently unclear. Cell cloning of human research potentially changes the variety of medical diseases treatment in the soon future. Human cloning or nonsexual human reproduction is a multidisciplinary problem that has been studied by scholars from several perspectives, including ethical elements and science perspectives, religion, and health. Because some scientific discoveries, such as human simulation, are related to human beliefs, several religious scholars have demonstrated distinctive responsivity to religious doctrine and consider such investigations to be contrary to divine verses and religious beliefs; as a result, human cloning has been prohibited. As a result, it is vital to investigate and analyze the reasoning of their contravention to demonstrate that scientific discoveries might not only not diminish but even deepen religion.

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