
In recent decades, it has become usual to save each year at least one natural disaster causing socio-economic and environmental crises.The geographic diversity, the different compositions of Algerian society and the lack of modern methods to cope with disaster risks, which make the task of crisis management more difficult and more complex.The objective of this study is to propose a model, helps to stabilize a base for sustainable development, by stimulating resilience and response capacity of the community to the risks. It is an informational and organizational tool based on the characterization of risks, taking into account the hazard and vulnerability.Therefore, a qualitative and quantitative analysis is required to identify and assess the risks in order to develop appropriate response plans.The proposed model integrates two systems; Geographic Information System (GIS) and the DataBase Management System (DBMS). This one provides the public with a real and concrete transmission of information. In addition, it ensures the optimal management of resources, by an intensive and efficient insertion of society in different plans. Finally, this model contributes to get a good management of risks and their consequences.

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