
With recent development in sensor technology, multiple sensors have been widely adopted to monitor the degradation of a single unit simultaneously. The challenge of multisensor degradation modeling lies in that the sensor signals are often correlated and may contain only partial or even no information on the degradation status of a unit. To address these issues, this paper proposes a novel data fusion method that constructs a 1-D health index (HI) via automatically selecting and combining multiple sensor signals to better characterize the degradation process. In particular, this paper develops a new latent linear model that constructs the HI and selects informative sensors in a unified manner. Compared to the existing literature, the proposed method enjoys several unique advantages: 1) being able to derive the best linear unbiased estimator of the fusion coefficients; 2) offering high computational efficiency; 3) not requiring to know the exact value of the failure threshold; and 4) exhibiting general applicability in practice by not imposing restrictive assumptions on the degradation process. Simulation studies are presented to illustrate the effectiveness and evaluate the sensitivity of the proposed method. A case study on the degradation of aircraft gas turbine engines is also performed which shows a better prognostic performance of the proposed method compared with existing approaches.

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