
A generally covariant wave equation is derived geometrically for grand unified field theory. The equation states most generally that the covariant d'Alembertian acting on the vielbein vanishes for the four fields which are thought to exist in nature: gravitation, electromagnetism, weak field and strong field. The various known field equations are derived from the wave equation when the vielbein is the eigenfunction. When the wave equation is applied to gravitation the wave equation is the eigenequation of wave mechanics corresponding to Einstein's field equation in classical mechanics, the vielbein eigenfunction playing the role of the quantized gravitational field. The three Newton laws, Newton's law of universal gravitation, and the Poisson equation are recovered in the classical and nonrelativistic, weak-field limits of the quantized gravitational field. The single particle wave-equation and Klein-Gordon equations are recovered in the relativistic, weak-field limit of the wave equation when scalar components are considered of the vielbein eigenfunction of the quantized gravitational field. The Schrodinger equation is recovered in the non-relativistec, weak-field limit of the Klein-Gordon equation). The Dirac equation is recovered in this weak-field limit of the quantized gravitational field (the nonrelativistic limit of the relativistic, quantezed gravitational field when the vielbein plays the role of the spinor. The wave and field equations of O(3) electrodynamics are recovered when the vielbein becomes the relativistic dreibein (triad) eigenfunction whose three orthonormal space indices become identified with the three complex circular indices (1), (2), (3), and whose four spacetime indices are the indices of non-Euclidean spacetime (the base manifold). This dreibein is the potential dreibein of the O(3) electromagnetic field (an electromagnetic potential four-vector for each index (1), (2), (3)). The wave equation of the parity violating weak field is recovered when the orthonormal space indices of the relativistic dreibein eigenfunction are identified with the indices of the three massive weak field bosons. The wave equation of the strong field is recovered when the orthonormal space indices of the relativistic vielbein eigenfunction become the eight indices defined by the group generators of the SU (3) group.

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