
We study a new lifting of automorphic representations using the theta representation $\Theta$ on the $4$-fold cover of the symplectic group, $\overline{\mathrm{Sp}}_{2r}(\mathbb{A})$. This lifting produces the first examples of CAP representations on higher-degree metaplectic covering groups. Central to our analysis is the identification of the maximal nilpotent orbit associated to $\Theta$. We conjecture a natural extension of Arthur's parameterization of the discrete spectrum to $\overline{\mathrm{Sp}}_{2r}(\mathbb{A})$. Assuming this, we compute the effect of our lift on Arthur parameters and show that the parameter of a representation in the image of the lift is non-tempered. We conclude by relating the lifting to the dimension equation of Ginzburg to predict the first non-trivial lift of a generic cuspidal representation of $\overline{\mathrm{Sp}}_{2r}(\mathbb{A})$.

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