
When more than one large-amplitude vibrational motion is present in a molecule, it is often not possible to define a global internal-axis-method (IAM) coordinate system and set of basis functions. In the present work, a method is presented for extending the IAM treatment to tunneling problems in such cases, using as an illustration a model for the water dimer with three large-amplitude vibrational coordinates. The method involves the construction of two different sets of local IAM-like coordinate systems. The first of these contains n coordinate systems, one for the small neighborhood surrounding each of the n equilibrium frameworks. The second contains on the order of n 2 2 coordinate systems, one for each feasible tunneling path between each pair of frameworks. Basis functions written in the second set of local IAM-like coordinates are used to determine the complex phase factors associated in this method with tunneling matrix elements of the phenomenological rotational Hamiltonian in the high barrier limit. These phase factors govern the way in which the various real tunneling frequencies in the molecule constructively and/or destructively interfere in the Hamiltonian matrix elements and final energy expressions. Various mathematical approximations are involved in using the local IAM-like basis sets to obtain matrix elements; the full extent of the adverse effects of these approximations will not be known until an attempt to fit experimental data is carried out.

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