
This paper aims at spotlighting the process of dehumanization women are victim of in many African traditional societies. From Cairo to Mogadiscio, women are all by themselves and go through the after-effects of the social and sexual brutalities they are daily subjected to. Nawal El Saadawi and Nuruddin Farah, in Woman at Point Zero and From a Crooked Rib, have brought on surface the stark stratification organized in age-old societies to the detriment of women. Thus being, the paper analyses the physical mutilation, the sexual exploitation women suffer from both in Egypt and Somalia and the whacks they take to liberate themselves from the enslaving social cages in which they are confined. Its findings contribute in showing up the mute but decisive changes that operate among the female gentry in religions-oriented countries in Africa. It underlines as well the de-phallocratization of traditional systems that stiffen women’s strong aspirations to freedom.

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