
On March 21, 2002, I raised my right hand and became a member of the US Army (Reserves). I was also required to sign a form as an attestation that I had not been asked if I was gay and I had not told anyone I was gay. I paused a little before signing this form, thinking of all the struggles in the journey in coming out personally and professionally. I came to the conclusion that, based upon what I thought to be a solid, healthy gay identity, I could join an organization that did not allow me to live openly. A year prior I had found myself in what I considered to be a fortunate point in life. I was living in a beautiful city and working in a field that gave me fulfillment, challenge, and gratitude. I began to explore ways that I could give back to others. My first thought was Doctors Without Borders. However, I had too much student loan debt to go one full month without income.

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