
Background: Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), is commonly used in endodontic and restorative procedures. Objective: Our objective was to introduce gas adsorption porosimetry as a viable method for evaluation of general porosity and specific pore characteristics of set Portland cement used in substitute for MTA, to investigate the effect of two different obturation methods (compaction and compaction in conjunction with indirect ultrasonic agitation of the cement paste), and to evaluate the correlation between the specific pore characteristics to compressive strength in general. Material and Methods: Portland cement samples were prepared and divided into two groups based on compaction techniques. An initial stereomicroscopic evaluation was done to assess any differences in appearance of pores randomly selected from either of the two experimental groups. Specific pore characteristics and compressive strength were quantified by a gas adsorption porosimeter and an Instron universal testing machine. A two tailed student t-test was used for statistical comparison of data, and a regression analysis was done to evaluate the correlation between each specific pore characteristic and compressive strength in general. Results: The gas porosimetry method provided measurable values relating to specific pore characteristics of Portland cement. The stereomicroscopy evaluation revealed marked differences between samples from the two groups, namely visibly larger pores both on the outside surface and in cross-sections of specimens prepared by the indirect ultrasonic activation method. Conclusions: Gas adsorption porosimetry is a feasible method for evaluation of specific pore characteristics of Portland cement and potentially other dental materials as well.


  • Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), is commonly used in endodon9c and re-­‐ stora&ve procedures

  • A gas adsorp)on porosimetry analysis of Portland cement prepared by compac)on vs. compac)on with indirect ultrasonic agita)on powder-­‐to-­‐water is the most important parameter in*luencing the porosity of hy-­‐ draulic cements [11]

  • A gas adsorp)on porosimetry analysis of Portland cement prepared by compac)on vs. compac)on with indirect ultrasonic agita)on humidity and at room temperature

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Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), is commonly used in endodon9c and re-­‐ stora&ve procedures. Objec&ve: Our objec&ve was to introduce gas adsorp&on porosimetry as a viable method for evalua1on of general porosity and specific pore characteris1cs of set Portland cement used in subs1tute for MTA, to inves1gate the effect of two different obtu-­‐ ra#on methods (compac#on and compac#on in conjunc#on with indirect ultrasonic agita-­‐ !on of the cement paste), and to evaluate the correla.on between the specific pore char-­‐ acteris(cs to compressive strength in general. The stereomicroscopy evalua6on revealed marked differences between samples from the two groups, namely visibly larger pores both on the outside surface and in cross-­‐sec$ons of specimens prepared by the indirect ultrasonic ac$va$on method. Con-­‐ clusions: Gas adsorp*on porosimetry is a feasible method for evalua*on of specific pore characteris)cs of Portland cement and poten)ally other dental materials as well

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