
Recently, crypto-cloud computing has become an interesting research area with many technical, security, commercial and financial aspects, goals and consequences. The original intention of the cloud is to link computing stations (services) for collaboration. Sharing and coordination of computational resources is important because of the activities between service providers and service requesters. Considering the cooperative functionality of crypto-cloud computing, the use of game theory in that area has became very beneficial. In the sequel, we mathematically associate that area with game theory, i.e., the bargaining and compromising of interests of various “players”, by using a game-theoretical approach which arises from networks, servers, operating systems, storage devices, etc. Further, we propose a novel efficient encryption system by using XTR (effective and compact subgroup trace representation) which has the property of semantic security. Those interactions has been constructed in the direction of how cryptographic tools can be used to address a natural optimization problem in the fields of game theory and financial economics. It is believed that game theory and its optimization is going to provide a suitable framework for the design of a crypto-cloud computing system that will be perceived as a strong technique and satisfy the needs of many participants and users of the cloud. The paper ends with a conclusion and an outlook to future studies.

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