
This paper presents an original approach to automatic prosodic labeling. Fuzzy logic techniques are used for representing situations of high uncertainty with respect to the category to be assigned to a given prosodic unit. The Fuzzy Integer technique is used to combine the output of different base classifiers. The resulting fuzzy classifier benefits from the different capabilities of the base classifiers for identifying different types of prosodic events. At the same time, the fuzzy classifier identifies the events that are potentially more difficult to be labeled. The classifier has been applied to the identification of ToBI pitch accents. The state of the art on pitch accent multiclass classification reports around 70% accuracy rate. In this paper we describe a fuzzy classifier which assigns more than one label in confusing situations. We show that the pairs of labels that appear in these uncertain situations are consistent with the most confused pairs of labels reported in manual prosodic labeling experiments. Our fuzzy classifier obtains a soft classification rate of 81.8%, which supports the potential of the proposed system for computer assisted prosodic labeling.

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