
The current project deals with safety management in highways and infrastructure (Buildings and Roads).The research is partly doctrinal and partly empirical in natural. Research tools used is fuzzy logic. The scope research has been to mainly cover highways and infrastructure (Buildings and Roads).The topic of construction includes the process of Highways, Building and society roads, construction and maintenance, including the design of respective construction, contracting, accomplishing, supervision, and maintenance of Highways, Building, society roads and related structures. Our study of project will fulfil the safety requirements by using Fuzzy logic that should be consider before starting highways and infrastructure (Buildings and Roads) and this study will be very helpful in construction industry. as this study will decrease the chances of accidents as well as to save lives. Today so many people lose their lives when traffic has to move through maintenance works and road construction every year also during the construction of Buildings. The cases of construction section injuries and accidental death are predicted to go even higher than now. Construction in highways and infrastructure (Building and Roads) covers various activities, techniques, materials and source of danger therefore because of this conditions the probability of accidents increases every time. The fact is construction industry has the most disappointing record of safety compare to all industrial sectors, with a risk of casualty 5 times higher than several other industry in the world. The higher rate of accidents and deaths in the construction industry compare to all other industries are may be due to the process of the construction work. The factors due to which the rate of accidents are high in construction industry are such as poor planning, lack of safety training, lack of supervision, lack of safety equipment , and lack of incident investigation helps to create more problems in future. Hence, by using Multi criteria decision making by Fuzzy logic will reduce the risk of accidents while construction of highways and infrastructure (Building and Roads).

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