
Mobile games have become a popular way to pass the time, and an increasing number of new and inexperienced users are searching for enjoyable and simple-to-learn experiences. It is essential to ensure that the software of these mobile games is intuitive and of high quality in order to keep users satisfied and coming back. However, it is difficult to assess the subjective and frequently nebulous expectations of first-time users. In between the development of mobile game applications, stakeholders in the mobile game industry are continually exploring applications whose quality is measured. The deployment of this effort will be facilitated by the quantification of qualitative aspects that depend on software quality factors. Thus, it is crucial to choose the proper evaluation strategy. The evaluation is based on two parameters: fuzzy rate and fuzzy weight. The evaluation of a five-point fuzzy rating system is based on surveys or questionnaires, and it involves straightforward inputs. Fuzzy weight refers to the relative significance of software quality aspects, and it is determined by stakeholders responsible to ensure appropriate quality of mobile application, ensuring that the crisp sum is equal to one. This may be achieved when stakeholders agree on the relative significance or pairwise comparison of software quality factors and examine their relative value. This technique guarantees that the total assessment of quality converges in the correct direction. This paper presents a novel application of the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) that evaluates the appropriate fuzzy weight for software quality factors of mobile game applications, particularly for neophyte users. This will aid the mobile game application industry in formulating and evaluating fuzzy weights to reinforce the process that converts qualitative to quantitative aspects during mobile application development.

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