
We, members of the Association Française d’Halieumétrie, share the conviction that European fisheries have a future. It is time to get off the wrong track. Radical change is required to embark on the path of sustainable development and truly implement the ecosystem approach to fisheries. Today, high fishing pressure is deployed to catch a rare resource, which in return is responsible for the rarity. We must reverse the situation: an abundant resource that affords high catches applying moderate fishing pressure. All management tools and especially all actors must be mobilized. The transition is not simple, and European solidarity must accompany the changes. It is well worth the effort. By reducing fishing pressure, it will be possible in the medium term to restore fish stocks, to make ecosystems return to good ecological status, to stabilize and even increase catches and to considerably improve economic efficiency. This is obviously in the interest of fishers but it is also in the interest of future generations and all users of this common heritage that is the sea.

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