
Myrsine perpauciflora Pipoly is validated by the designation of a holotype. Through an inadvertent error, a holotype was not designated for Myrsine perpauciflora Pipoly, Novon 1: 207. 1991. According to ICBN Art. 45.1, When the various conditions for valid publication are not simultaneously fulfilled, the date [of valid publication] is that on which the last is fulfilled.... A name published on or after 1 Jan. 1973 for which the various conditions for valid publication are not simultaneously fulfilled is not validly published unless a full and direct reference (Art. 33.2) is given to the places where these requirements were previously fulfilled. Therefore, to fulfill the requirements of valid publication for this name, as fully and directly referenced above, I designate the holotype as follows: Myrsine perpauciflora Pipoly, sp. nov. TYPE: Venezuela. Territorio Federal Amazonas: Cerro de la Neblina, Camp VII, 5 km NE of Pico Phelps, 00050'40N, 65?58'10W, 1,850 m, 1 Feb. 1985 (fr), M. Nee 30697 (holotype, VEN; isotypes, NY, US). Figure 3. Acknowledgments. I thank John Pruski of NY for kindly pointing out this error, and Dan Nicolson of US for discussing the correction with me.

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