
Climate change is one of the most important global issues, with a range, broad and far reaching ecological, social, economic, and political impact (Sanahuja, 2011). It is not surprising that during the upcoming CoP 21 gathering in Paris, France, the focus will be on climate change mitigation. Van der Berg (2009: 269) says that the goal of monitoring and evaluation system for adaptation is to identify the aspects that are working, those that are not working, and the reasons why, as well as providing mechanisms and feedback to adjust the adaptation process accordingly. The Northern Cameroon (regions of the North, Far North and Adamawa) is the most exposed part of Cameroon to the effects of climate change. In order to cope with these effects, various adaptation efforts are being implemented to fully understand the value or efficacy of these interventions, sound monitoring an devaluation of these interventions is imperative for ensuring results, cost effectiveness, and impact level outcomes. For the purpose of this paper, the elements necessary of conventional project on monitoring and evaluation will apply in adaptation to climate change with the slight difference that with adaptation to climate change, one need to view the entire process through a climate change lens.The purpose of this paper is to develop a functional framework for monitoring and evaluation of adaptation to climate change interventions in the northern part of Cameroon. The framework is a six steps process that proposes a collective vision, as well as guiding principles and areas for strategic interventions that will enable the development of the monitoring and evaluation for adaptation to climate change strategy and action plan. The comprehensive and coherent framework, inclusive and multi-stakeholder participation and ownership, articulates the context in which the monitoring and evaluation will be conducted, and sets out a common vision for action to be implemented for adaptation to climate change in the northern Cameroon, as well as key challenges, opportunities and priorities for furthering monitoring and evaluation for adaptation to climate change. The developed framework goes on to work toward action planning by providing guiding questions for assessment and capacity development along with key information on the developed indicators. In addition, the developed framework on northern Cameroon builds on current thinking and well regarded like-minded initiatives. To add to the above, the framework will identifies key short, medium and long term challenges, and will defines strategic focus areas for interventions.

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