
This report compares the sensitivity of 17 tumor cell lines to cytolysis mediated by natural killer (NK) cells or by activated, bone marrow-derived macrophages (AM) from 15 inbred mouse strains. Some tumor cell lines, notably P815, were highly sensitive to AM-mediated lysis but almost completely insensitive to NK cells, whereas other cell lines were lysed by NK cells but not AM. In a genotype survey, some low-responder strains in the NK system, such as A/Sn, were high responders in the AM system, and conversely, one intermediate to high-responder strain (C3H/HeJ) in the NK system was a low responder in AM-mediated cytolysis. In addition, macrophage cytotoxicity factor was necessary to activate macrophages, but this lymphokine did not augment NK activity. Furthermore, the NK population did not contain pre-activated macrophages since pre-activated cells were removed on glass bead columns or by iron carbonyl and a magnet; treatments which have been previously shown not to affect NK cells. These results suggest that NK cells are distinct from AM in physical characteristics, target selectivity, genotype distribution and the mechanism of cytolysis.

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