
In 2003, S. J. Dilworth, N. J. Kalton, D. Kutzarova and V. N. Temlyakov introduced the notion of almost greedy (respectively partially greedy) bases. These bases were characterized in terms of quasi-greediness and democracy (respectively conservativeness). In this paper, we show a new functional characterization of these type of bases in general Banach spaces following the spirit of the characterization of greediness proved in 2017 by P. M. Berná and Ó. Blasco.


  • Introduction and BackgroundCitation: Berná, P.M.; Mondéjar, D

  • All the characterizations were given under the assumption of unconditionality and one of the democracy-like properties, but in [8], we found a new and interesting property that is very useful to give a new characterization of greediness

  • We focused our attention in a closed inequality to characterize the so-called almost greedy and partially greedy bases

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Introduction and Background

The basis is democratic (or symmetric for the largest coefficients) and quasi-greedy if and only if the basis has Property (F). F ≤ Cq (1 + (1 + Cq )∆d ); If B is ∆-symmetric for the largest coefficients and Cq -quasi-greedy, the basis has Property (F) with constant:. Since Property (F) implies quasi-greediness with constant Cq ≤ F by (1), if we take the element h := f + 1ηB with k fk∞ ≤ 1, we have:. (3)Assume that B is Cq -quasi-greedy and ∆d -democratic, and take f , g ∈ X f in with f · g = 0, infn∈supp( g) |en∗ ( g)| ≥ k fk∞ , A ∩ B = ∅, | A| ≤ | B| < ∞, and supp( f + g) ∩.

Proof of Theorem 5
Proof of Theorem 6
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