
Abstract. In this paper we discuss a functional approach to obtain a lattice-likestructure in d -algebras, and obtain an exact analog of De Morgan law and someother properties. 1. Introduction Y. Imai and K. Is¶eki introduced two classes of abstract algebras: BCK -algebrasand BCI -algebras ([8, 9]). BCK -algebras have some connections with other areas:D. Mundici [13] proved that MV -algebras are categorically equivalent to boundedcommutative BCK -algebras, and J. Meng [11] proved that implicative commutativesemigroups are equivalent to a class of BCK -algebras. It is well known that boundedcommutative BCK -algebras, D -posets and MV -algebras are logically equivalenteach other (see [4, p. 420]). We refer useful textbooks for BCK=BCI -algebra to [4,6, 7, 12, 17]. J. Neggers and H. S. Kim ([14]) introduced the notion of d -algebraswhich is a useful generalization of BCK -algebras, and then investigated severalrelations between d -algebras and BCK -algebras as well as several other relationsbetween

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