
In this paper, a classification scheme based on neurally implemented unitary response model (URM) for a gas/odor sensor array response has been presented. Thick-film tin-oxide sensor array responses for four gases/odors (viz. acetone, carbon tetra-chloride, ethyl methyl ketone and xylene) were first transformed into equivalent unitary responses. This transformation was carried out using a pre-trained neural ‘unitary response model pre-processor (URMP)’, called Net I URMP . The classification of these responses in the unitary analysis space was then carried out, more accurately, using a pre-trained neural classifier called Net II URMC . During this experiment, respective nets Net I URMP and Net II URMC , comprising of 12 and 8 neurons, were trained in just 23 and 09 epochs of 42 × 4 training response vectors. At stage I, the mean squared error (MSE) between neurally and mathematically obtained unitary response versions of 18 independent test responses for the considered gases/odors was 7.51 × 10 −2. At stage II, all the aforesaid test samples were correctly classified, with a MSE of 3.87 × 10 −8. Further, by connecting Net I URMP and Net II URMC in cascade, the proposed classifier could be implemented using 16 neurons only.

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