
Rapid and complex changes in the economic and business environment are posing serious challenges to today’s business executives. Meeting these challenges requires effective measures for control and performance evaluation. This article focuses on the uses, benefits and limitations of economic value added (EVA) as a value creation measure. Calculation of this trendy measure is complicated because of the many adjustments needed to convert the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) based income to economic income. The article compares the performance of EVA user companies with non-user Fortune 500 companies for the years 1997 and 1998. It shows that users performance means profits as percentage of revenues, assets, and stockholders’ equity were higher than the means of non-users. However, the means for 1998 earnings per share (EPS), EPS change from 1997 and EPS growth for the years 1988-1998 were lower for the EVA user companies. EVA will become less popular in its use as an instrument of control and performance evaluation. Therefore, the conclusion of this research is not in support of EVA use as a measure of value creation to stockholders.

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