
The surface layers of the cuticle, the hypodermal membranes and the muscle membranes of the adult, the in utero larvae and the infective-stage larvae of the nematode Trichinella spiralis have been studied by means of the freeze-fracturing technique. The surface of the cuticle of both adults and larvae fractures in ways different from membranes of internal cells. The surface coat on top of the epicuticle is probably the layer that changes antigenically. Reticulate ridges, with associated particles, on the E face of the outer hypodermal membrane of the adult are probably sites of attachment of the hypodermis to the cuticle. Longitudinally arranged ridges, with associated particles, of the outer hypodermal membrane are probably points of attachment to the cuticle in the in utero and infective larvae. Rectilinear arrays of particles are present on the P face of the inner hypodermal membrane and the P face of the muscle membrane adjacent to the hypodermis of adults and larvae and probably play a role in adhesion of the muscle membrane to the hypodermis. Particle-free areas of membrane lie external to the Z bundles of the muscle cell and are similar to the sites of attachment of Z Unes in insect muscles.

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