
Abstract E-government has emerged as a govern-ment policy to improve the quality and efficiency of administration and make it more proactive and especially more ser-vice oriented. To raise these challenges, Moroccan government agencies are pro-viding a wide spectrum of online services to improve government-citizen interac-tions. However, single service may not be able to serve citizens needs, but a combi-nation of services can serve the purpose. Building composite services can save significant time and cost for developing new applications and enhancing the inte-roperability and collaboration among Mo-roccan administrations. This paper pro-poses a Framework for personalized and dynamic composition of web services. Keywords : Web service, Semantic, Dy-namic composition, E-government. 1. Introduction E-government is a powerful tool for the development of social and economic life of citizens. Many countries are experienc-ing its transformative power in revitaliz-ing public administration and moving civ-il service towards higher efficiency, transparency and accountability. Availa-bility of online public services has been the primary focus of E-government stu-dies and policymaking, but over the past years, the definition of new services that outsources from other E-government ser-vices (composition process) and the citi-zen usage of E-gov services has also be-come a priority issue. It is for the purpose of facing all these challenges that e-Morocco Strategy for the development of information society and knowledge econ-omy has been launched in January 2005. One of the main issues of this strategy is to insure interoperability between admin-istrations and to provide services that are tailored to each citizen needs and profile. In its midway this strategy has already allowed remarkable progress. However, Morocco has been ranked at position 120 in the United Nations E-Government Survey 2012[1]. This low rank can be ex-plained by the high cost of the implemen-tation and the maintenance of e-services and the low rate of their use. This situa-tion leads to a low return on investment of E-Gov applications. In addition, sever-al reports have also highlighted the dissa-tisfaction of users of e-services they deem not adapted to their needs and contexts. To support the e-Morocco Strategy, we propose, in this paper, a Framework for personalized and dynamic composition of web services using an approach based on modeling the semantic relationship be-tween all the available web services through a weighted directed graph built before the composition runtime. The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 gives an architecture overview of our approach. Section 3 de-

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