
Reaction systems (RSs) are a computational framework inspired by biochemical mechanisms. A RS defines a finite set of reactions over a finite set of entities. Typically each reaction has a local scope, because it is concerned with a small set of entities, but complex models can involve a large number of reactions and entities, and their computation can manifest unforeseen emerging behaviours. When a deviation is detected, like the unexpected production of some entities, it is often difficult to establish its causes, e.g., which entities were directly responsible or if some reaction was misconceived. Slicing is a well-known technique for debugging, which can point out the program lines containing the faulty code. In this paper, we define the first dynamic slicer for RSs and show that it can help to detect the causes of erroneous behaviour and highlight the involved reactions for a closer inspection. To fully automate the debugging process, we propose to distil monitors for starting the slicing whenever a violation from a safety specification is detected. We have integrated our slicer in BioResolve, written in Prolog which provides many useful features for the formal analysis of RSs. We define the slicing algorithm for basic RSs and then enhance it for dealing with quantitative extensions of RSs, where timed processes and linear processes can be represented. Our framework is shown at work on suitable biologically inspired RS models.

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