
Blockchain is a recently developed advanced technology. It has been assisted by a lot of interest in a decentralized and distributed public ledger system integrated as a peer-to-peer network. A tamper-proof digital framework is created for sharing and storing data, where the linked block structure is utilized to verify and store the data. A trusted consensus method has been adopted to synchronize the changes in the original data. However, it is challenging for Ethereum to maintain security at all blockchain levels. As such, “public–private key cryptography” can be utilized to provide privacy over Ethereum networks. Several privacy issues make it difficult to use blockchain approaches over various applications. Another issue is that the existing blockchain systems operate poorly over large-scale data. Owing to these issues, a novel blockchain framework in the Ethereum network with soft computing is proposed. The major intent of the proposed technology is to preserve the data for transmission purposes. This new model is enhanced with the help of a new hybrid algorithm: Adaptive Border Collie Rain Optimization Algorithm (ABC-ROA). This hybrid algorithm generates the optimal key for data restoration and sanitization. Optimal key generation is followed by deriving the multi objective constraints. Here, some of the noteworthy objectives, such as information preservation (IP) rate, degree of modification (DM), false rule (FR) generation, and hiding failure (HF) rate are considered. Finally, the proposed method is successfully implemented, and its results are validated through various measures. The recommended module ensures a higher security level for data sharing.

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