
Intrusion detection has been at the center of intense research in the last decade owing to the rapid increase of sophisticated attacks on computer systems. Typically, intrusion detection refers to a variety of techniques for detecting attacks in the form of malicious and unauthorized activities. There are three broad categories of detection approaches: (a) misuse-based technique that relies on pre-specified attack signatures, (b) anomaly-based approach, that typically depends on normal patterns classifying any deviation from normal as malicious; and (c) specification-based technique that although operates in a similar fashion to anomaly-based approach, employs a model of valid program behavior in a form of specifications requiring user expertise. When intrusive behavior is detected, it is desirable to take (evasive and/or corrective) actions to thwart attacks and ensure safety of the computing environment. Such countermeasures are referred to as intrusion response. Although the intrusion response component is often integrated with the Intrusion Detection System (IDS), it receives considerably less attention than IDS research owing to the inherent complexity in developing and deploying response in an automated fashion. As such, traditionally, triggering an intrusion response is left as part of the administrators responsibility, requiring a high-degree of expertise. In this work we present an integrated approach to intrusion detection and response based on the technique for monitoring abnormal patterns in the program behavior. The proposed model effectively combines the advantages of anomaly-based and specification-based approaches recognizing a known behavior through the specifications of normal and abnormal patterns and classifying unknown patterns using a machine-learning algorithm. Such combination not only allows adaptation of the specification-based detection to the new patterns, but also provides a method for automatic development of specifications. In addition to detection, our framework incorporates preemptive response. By preemption, we imply deploying response before a monitored pattern is classified completely as an intrusion. Such response deployment is likely to stop an intrusion before it can affect the system. However, preemption also inherently suffers from false positives; i.e., responses are deployed to deter correct execution which may look intrusive in its initial phase. To reduce false positives, we have developed a multi-phase response selection and deployment mechanism based on the evaluation of the cost information of the system damage caused by potential intrusion and candidate responses.

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