
Flood damage assessment (FDA) is a key component of risk-based method for flood management. In the current FDA approaches, generally the uniqueness of the building is disregarded in the analysis. Therefore, they are unfit for detailed applications in which case-by-case analysis of building damage is an essential requirement. This limitation is compounded by the use of incomplete and often low-quality data inputs about the building and the assumptions and approximations made regarding the geometry and materials of its components. Such shortcomings may result in incomplete and uncertain outcomes. Considering the benefits and increasing use of three-dimensional (3D) urban modeling and Building Information Model in various urban management processes, in this paper, an integrated framework for utilization of detailed 3D building models for the assessment and 3D visualization of flood damage to building according to its distinct behavior against flood is presented. A proof-of-concept demonstration of the framework in a case study underlined the feasibility of implementation of the framework, which can potentially benefit a variety of users and be used as a complementary approach to the current FDA methods for improving the resilience of the community toward floods and their adverse impacts.

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