
A video signature is a set of feature vectors that compactly represents and uniquely characterizes one video clip from another for fast matching. To find a short duplicated region, the video signature must be robust against common video modifications and have a high discriminability. The matching method must be fast and be successful at finding locations. In this paper, a frame-based video signature that uses the spatial information and a two-stage matching method is presented. The proposed method is pair-wise independent and is robust against common video modifications. The proposed two-stage matching method is fast and works very well in finding locations. In addition, the proposed matching structure and strategy can distinguish a case in which a part of the query video matches a part of the target video. The proposed method is verified using video modified by the VCE7 experimental conditions found in MPEG-7. The proposed video signature method achieves a robustness of 88.7% under an independence condition of 5 parts per million with over 1,000 clips being matched per second.

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