
We propose an accurate and robust fourth-order curvature extension algorithm in a level set framework for the transport of the interface. The method is based on the Continuum Surface Force approach, and is shown to efficiently calculate surface tension forces for two-phase flows. In this framework, the accuracy of the algorithms mostly relies on the precise computation of the surface curvature which we propose to accomplish using a two-step algorithm: first by computing a reliable fourth-order curvature estimation from the level set function, and second by extending this curvature rigorously in the vicinity of the surface, following the Closest Point principle. The algorithm is easy to implement and to integrate into existing solvers, and can easily be extended to 3D. We propose a detailed analysis of the geometrical and numerical criteria responsible for the appearance of spurious currents, a well known phenomenon observed in various numerical frameworks. We study the effectiveness of this novel numerical method on state-of-the-art test cases showing that the resulting curvature estimate significantly reduces parasitic currents. In addition, the proposed approach converges to fourth-order regarding spatial discretization, which is two orders of magnitude better than algorithms currently available. We also show the necessity for high-order transport methods for the surface by studying the case of the 2D advection of a column at equilibrium thereby proving the robustness of the proposed approach. The algorithm is further validated on more complex test cases such as a rising bubble.

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