
A concise and precise formula for ‘Big G’ has been derived from an electron positron model of vacuum space (the epola model) that regards gravitation as a push force resulting from magnetic spin moments. Extended tests have revealed the significance of the peculiar velocity of the Solar System as a factor within the Fine Structure Constant, by experimentally monitored periodicity of nuclear decay rates. Correlations to gravitational field intensity, indicated by tide heights, also deny a purely random function for nuclear decay. The epola model’s definition of EM waves and their spectral characteristics had indicated possible substructure of the electron as a charged hadronic pion. This study resolves anomalies of the electron by identifying Twist in addition to Spin moments that has exposed an epola mechanism for Quantum Entanglement. When free guest particles interact with the bound particles of the lattice, binding energy density reduction induces gravitational forces and reveals the factors comprising the value of Big G, that further indicate pion sub-structure of leptons with a different fine structure.

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