
The art of cinema, which has the feature of creating different universes outside of daily life, also creates characters that are similar to each other and completely different from each other in the universes it creates. The conflict, which is one of the main elements of the scenario and increases the viewing pleasure, often arises between or through these characters. The starting point of the conflict in question is sometimes the stranger who comes to town. According to George Simmel, a foreigner, with its general definition, is not someone who comes today and leaves tomorrow, in the sense of not being from here. He cannot go any further, he is the one who comes and stays. He evaluates the events in the region he came from with an objective point of view and puts forward his opinion. While expressing his opinion, he is not affected by the customs and traditions of the region, habits and religious approach. In this way, he expresses the most impartial point of view. Although the people of the region approach this stranger coming from another place with prejudice, they get used to it over time and share with him the issues that he has hidden even from his closest relatives. In other words, the foreigner interacts with the people in the region they come from. The course and results of this interaction will be analyzed with examples from the movie Found Memories (Julia Murat, 2011) throughout the study. In the film, while the daily life in the town, where everyone has certain responsibilities, repeats invariably every day, the life of the town changes in many respects with Rita's arrival in town. With the analysis of Georg Simmel, the characteristics of the "alien" character and the changes in where he came from are seen throughout the film.

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