
During )the latter part of the 1967-68 school year a study was begun to examine differences in Negro and white kindergarten pupils of the lower socio-economic class. At that time Musgrovel and Musgrove and Lawson2 found no differences between the races in the DRAWA-MAN mental ages, or in the performance on the WPPSI Geometric Design Subtest. A difference was seen in favor of the white child in the achievement on the WPPSI Information subtest. Tulkin and Newbough3 report significant differences in the performance of fifth and sixth grade pupils on the Raven Progressive Matrices of comparable low socio-economic class in favor of the white population. Shuey4 reports a large number of studies from as early as 1913 in which researchers have attempted to control environmental factors in the Negro and white samples. Shuey summarizes

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