
In this paper we construct an "abstract Fock space" for general Lie types that serves as a generalisation of the infinite wedge $q$-Fock space familiar in type $A$. Specifically, for each positive integer $\ell$, we define a $\mathbb{Z}[q,q^{-1}]$-module $\mathcal{F}_{\ell}$ with bar involution by specifying generators and "straightening relations" adapted from those appearing in the Kashiwara-Miwa-Stern formulation of the $q$-Fock space. By relating $\mathcal{F}_{\ell}$ to the corresponding affine Hecke algebra we show that the abstract Fock space has standard and canonical bases for which the transition matrix produces parabolic affine Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials. This property and the convenient combinatorial labeling of bases of $\mathcal{F}_{\ell}$ by dominant integral weights makes $\mathcal{F}_{\ell}$ a useful combinatorial tool for determining decomposition numbers of Weyl modules for quantum groups at roots of unity.

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