
Memory deficits are a prevalent and pervasive comorbidity of epilepsy that significantly decrease an individual’s quality of life. Numerous studies have investigated the effects of a seizure on the encoding process of memory; however, few studies have assessed the effect of a seizure on the reconsolidation process of memory. We investigated how a single seizure affects memory reconsolidation in C57BL/6 J adult mice using a predominately hippocampal-dependent paradigm. Mice were presented with a tone (conditioned stimulus), that was proceeded by a mild shock (unconditioned stimulus) occurring 20 s after the tone. Three days later, a flurothyl-induced seizure was administered 1-h before a memory reconsolidation trial. The learned association was assessed by presenting a conditioned stimulus in a new context 24 h or 1-week after memory reconsolidation. We found that there were no differences in memory present between seizure and control mice at the 24 h or 1-week timepoints. Wheel running was also assessed to ensure that the seizure did not alter locomotion and bias the measure in the memory task. No differences in locomotion between seizure and control mice were observed at any timepoint. Altogether, these findings suggest that hippocampal dependent memory reconsolidation is resistant to flurothyl-induced seizure disruption.

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