
Myotonic dystrophy Type 1 (DM1) is a rare genetic disease caused by the expansion of CTG trinucleotide repeats ((CTG)exp) in the 3' untranslated region of the DMPK gene. The repeat transcripts sequester the RNA binding protein Muscleblind-like protein 1 (MBNL1) and hamper its normal function in pre-mRNA splicing. Overexpressing exogenous MBNL1 in the DM1 mouse model has been shown to rescue the splicing defects and reverse myotonia. Although a viable therapeutic strategy, pharmacological modulators of MBNL1 expression have not been identified. Here, we engineered a ZsGreen tag into the endogenous MBNL1 locus in HeLa cells and established a flow cytometry-based screening system to identify compounds that increase MBNL1 level. The initial screen of small molecule compound libraries identified more than thirty hits that increased MBNL1 expression greater than double the baseline levels. Further characterization of two hits revealed that the small molecule HDAC inhibitors, ISOX and vorinostat, increased MBNL1 expression in DM1 patient-derived fibroblasts and partially rescued the splicing defect caused by (CUG)exp repeats in these cells. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of this flow-based cytometry screen to identify both small molecule compounds and druggable targets for MBNL1 upregulation.

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