
We studied the evolution and dynamic processes in the chromosphere above a sunspot umbra. A relatively rarely occurring phenomenon of bright long-lasting emission observed in the umbra of a unipolar sunspot of the AR 9570 group on August 11, 2001 was investigated. It was found that during the course of the observation, emission was spreading, gradually occupying nearly the entire sunspot umbra. Based on the analysis of the observations from other observatories, we arrived at the conclusion that the bright emission was a sympathetic flare that occurred in the sunspot umbra. It was assumed that there occurred an interaction with a neighboring, rapidly evolving group that exhibited subflares on the day of observation. In the same umbra, there was taking place an oscillatory process of the type of ‘umbral flash’ (observations from August 11 and 12, 2001). The characteristics of the oscillatory process in the presence of the flare were studied. As the bright emission propagated in the sunspot umbra, brightness fluctuations ceased to be seen in the umbral flashes against the background of this brighter emission. The character of velocity variations did not change substantially, although the oscillation amplitude did decrease.

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