
The class of abelian $p$-groups are an example of some very interesting phenomena in computable structure theory. We will give an elementary first-order theory $T_p$ whose models are each bi-interpretable with the disjoint union of an abelian $p$-group and a pure set (and so that every abelian $p$-group is bi-interpretable with a model of $T_p$) using computable infinitary formulas. This answers a question of Knight by giving an example of an elementary first-order theory of Ulm type: Any two models, low for $\omega_1^{CK}$, and with the same computable infinitary theory, are isomorphic. It also gives a new example of an elementary first-order theory whose isomorphism problem is $\mathbf{\Sigma}^1_1$-complete but not Borel complete.

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