
An important dissipation mechanism for waves in randomly inhomogeneous poroelastic media is the effect of wave-induced fluid flow. In the framework of Biot's theory of poroelasticity, this mechanism can be understood as scattering from fast into slow compressional waves. To describe this conversion scattering effect in poroelastic random media, the dynamic characteristics of the coherent wavefield using the theory of statistical wave propagation are analyzed. In particular, the method of statistical smoothing is applied to Biot's equations of poroelasticity. Within the accuracy of the first-order statistical smoothing an effective wave number of the coherent field, which accounts for the effect of wave-induced flow, is derived. This wave number is complex and involves an integral over the correlation function of the medium's fluctuations. It is shown that the known one-dimensional (1-D) result can be obtained as a special case of the present 3-D theory. The expression for the effective wave number allows to derive a model for elastic attenuation and dispersion due to wave-induced fluid flow. These wavefield attributes are analyzed in a companion paper.

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