
In recent decades, the structure of internaƟ onal exchange has undergone signifi cant changes, and the role of various services is increasing, the range of which is expanding under the infl uence of the scienƟ fi c and technological revoluƟ on. At the same Ɵ me, the regimes of internaƟ onal trade in services, as well as approaches to its naƟ onal and mulƟ lateral regulaƟ on, are becoming more complex. DigitalisaƟ on has become one of the main characterisƟ cs of development. The digital transformaƟ on of internaƟ onal trade is shaping the new "digital reali-ty" of the industry. The staƟ sƟ cs of the offi cial regulators of internaƟ onal trade confi rm these changes. The paper analyses the dynamics of changes in internaƟ onal trade in services in the context of the global crisis and the impact of digitalisaƟ on on it. The interdependence of countries in the condiƟ ons of increased economy and new models of internaƟ onal exchange of services are shown. The paper presents a quanƟ taƟ ve assessment model of the level of systemic risk causing the fi nancial crisis.

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