
Although primarily interested in domestic issues throughout his life, New York journalist and radio commentator John T. Flynn (1882–1964), author of more than fifteen books on current affairs, appeared as a fiery disparager of the internationalist and interventionist foreign policy of the Truman and Eisenhower administrations. For instance, in his vitriolic writings and radio broadcasts, he frequently criticized containment measures such as the Marshall Plan, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the military intervention in Korea, and the Eisenhower Doctrine. Above all, in an age that coincided with the heyday of American internationalism, the colourful commentator fulminated against the membership of his country in the United Nations. Flynn’s isolationist stance, not so surprising considering his credentials, was not trivial. In fact, it is plausible to believe that, during the early Cold War period, the controversial journalist, who was praised in conservative circles, contributed to the advent of a wave of increasing public resentment regarding unrestrained internationalism in US foreign policy by his unrelenting and largely broadcasted rhetoric.

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