
Due to a greater understanding of the behavior of the fuel oxygenate Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) in groundwater, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the American Petroleum Institute (API) recently have acknowledged the need for the development and application of additional remedial strategies to address the more extensive, longer lived, and faster moving dissolved MTBE plumes often associated with oxygenated fuel releases (API, 2000 and USEPA, 2000a).The need for alternative methods for managing dissolved MTBE plumes is particularly evident in the case of the Upper Glacial aquifer of Long Island, New York. Hydrogeologic conditions in the this water table aquifer (i. e., high hydraulic conductivity, high average pore velocities, low organic carbon, and high rates of recharge) have been found to contribute to the formation of extensive, long, narrow, and three-dimensional dissolved MTBE plumes that plunge into the aquifer in response to recharge (Weaver et. al. 1999). The characteristics of MTBE plumes in the Upper Glacial aquifer in combination with abundant sensitive receptors (mainly drinking water supply wells), often renders monitored natural attenuation (MNA) plume management strategies inappropriate, resulting in the need for plume control, frequently via pumping and treating (NYSDEC, 2000). In such cases, remedial costs can rise well beyond those associated with similar fuel releases that did not contain MTBE (USEPA, 1998a). Consequently, the application of remedial technologies for MTBE other than MNA, or pumping and treating, are of great interest to those responsible for the management of dissolved MTBE plumes on Long Island or in similar hydrogeologic settings.An alternative strategy for the remediation of dissolved MTBE plumes was recently field tested at an oxygenated fuel spill site on Long Island. The strategy was enhanced biodegradation via the application of Hydrogen Release Compound (HRCTM). HRCTM is a form of polylactate ester that slowly releases biodegradation stimulating constituents into the aquifer and has been shown in other studies to foster methanogenic conditions that advance the reductive dechlorina-tion of perchloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE) (Koenigsberg, 1998). Numerous reports have been written that discuss the biodegradation of MTBE under aerobic conditions, as well as microcosm studies in which MTBE biodegradation was observed under anaerobic conditions. However, there are limited reports that document the natural anaerobic biodegradation of dissolved MTBE (McLoughlin, 2000). Despite the lack of documented natural anaerobic biodegradation of MTBE, it has been observed that MTBE transport often occurs under anoxic conditions at oxygenated fuel releases as the result of the biodegradation of other fuel constituents, such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX), which deplete the available dissolved oxygen as well as other electron acceptors (nitrate, ferric iron, manganese, etc.) (USEPA, 2000c and API, 1996). Therefore, an anaerobic biodegradation strategy is attractive due to its synergy with the existing geochemical conditions. Consequently, the study was conceived and designed to test the ability of HRC(tm) to foster the anaerobic bio-degradation of MTBE under methano-genic conditions (McLoughlin, 2000).The application of HRC(tm) did result in the formation of a large area of enhanced reducing conditions in the vicinity and down gradient of the application zone. However, under these site conditions, the HRC(tm) application did not induce measurable methanogenic conditions with the associated elevated dissolved hydrogen concentrations required for significant MTBE anaerobic biodegradation. The high hydraulic conductivity and high average pore velocity at the site were likely responsible. Despite this, the study can be viewed as a success since much was learned that can be used in future studies of anaerobic biodegradation of MTBE and the application of HRC(tm).

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