
It will be apparent to any one who is at all familiar with the anatomic conformation of the lachrymal passages, that certain shaped appliances fashioned from a practically unyielding metal, under the name of lachrymal probes, do not meet the requirement for the purpose they were designed. We have evidence at every hand of the great injury following the passage of the probe, and the difficulty of effecting a cure for obstinate cases of epiphora, due to obstruction of the lachrymal canal. The "slitting up" or destruction of the punctæ and canaliculi, for frequent probings, the indiscriminate "plunging" and "twisting" of a bistoury or a sharp double-edged Graefe cataract knife into the tissues of the nasal duct, the application of caustic, tissue-destroying agents, have not only signally failed to effect a cure but, in the majority of cases, have entailed future discomfort and irreparable damage, with little or no permanent

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