
The disputed question as to the whereabouts of the largest hospital in the world will be decided in a year or so when the great Ospedale Romana is completed. This enormous establishment was begun in 1893 and has already cost many millions of lire . It will inclose within its limits, in northeastern Rome, all the various public hospitals, dispensaries, laboratories and clinics now scattered over the Imperial city. Instead of numerous isolated institutions, most of them housed in old, insanitary and dingy quarters, there will be but one collection of clean, well built, well drained, well ventilated, well lighted pavilions, replete with all the appliances, and provided with all the improvements that distinguish the modern hospital. On the other hand, the present father of hospitals, the great Allgemeines Krankenhaus at Vienna, grows more and more out-at-the-elbows, down-at-the-heels and baggy-at-the-knees. Nobody has better reason than the writer to appreciate how much

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