
Theoretical analysis of a linear Fresnel reflector solar concentratorpowered Rankine thermodynamic cycle utilizing supercritical C0 2 as aworking fluid is presented. The system model consists of a linear Fresnelreflector solar concentrator with trapezoidal cavity absorber, a powergenerating turbine, a heat recovery system and a feed pump. The effectsof the principal parameters of the supercritical C0 2 on the performanceof the system are investigated numerically by means of MATLAB simu-lation program under the assumed design conditions. It is shown thatthe key performance parameters, such as concentrator area, concentrat-ed power reached to the absorber, C0 2 flow rate have significant effectson the thermal performance of the supercritical C0 2 in the trapezoidalcavity absorber. Analytical simulations show that the proposed systemmay have 0.3-0.38 kW power generation and 2.0-2.14 kW heat output forthe various mass flow rates of the C0 2. The results recommend the po-tential of this new system for applications to electricity power and heatpower generation.

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