
The increasing number of population growth affects the emergence of problems in Perumnas Tanjung Karang Permai to be more complex, one of them is situation problem, availability of social facilities and public facilities. Thus, it is necessary to sight more in-depth of the feasibility of availability, condition, and management of social and public facilities in PERUMNAS Tanjung Karang Permai Mataram. Standardized feasibility is taken from the Regional Regulation of Mataram City No. 4 the year 2016 Article 9 saying about the provision of infrastructure by the developer at least 30% of the land area of housing and standard that is currently set by the government namely SNI 03-1733-2004 on the procedures of regional planning housing town. This study aims at identifying the level of availability, condition or capacity of social facilities and public facilities to the needs of the population seen from the population and land area of social facilities and public facilities. The existence of location mapping of Social Facilities and Public Facilities is to explain the availability and spatial aspects of the condition in Perumnas Tanjung Karang Permai Mataram. The analysis is done by comparing the number of population with the availability of social facilities and public facilities. If there is an imbalance between the availability of social facilities and public facilities with the total population, then the existing condition can be said to be inadequate.

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