
A faunal survey was conducted in May–September 1994 and June–July 1995 in the Dieng Mountains, one of the last remaining larger patches of forest in CentralJava province, Indonesia. All three primate species endemic to the Javan faunal region – Javan gibbon Hylobates moloch, grizzled leaf monkey Presbytis comata and ebony leaf monkey Trachypithecus auratus – were found to be present. Hylobates moloch occurs only in the lowland and hill forests in the western part of the study area, while the other two species were found throughout the area from lowland to montane forests. Although more research needs to be done onhabitat preferences and densities at which the primates occur, the available data suggestthat the Dieng Mountains may harbour the second largest populations of both H. moloch and P. comata in the same location. In order to safeguard these two endangered primates itis suggested that the reserve system in Java be expanded to include the Dieng Mountains.

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